Text Selectivity for the Treatment of Climate Change Confrontation through Grammar Classes


  • Damary Galiano Castro Departamento de Español Literatura. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanística. Universidad de Las Tunas
  • Yuditt Curbelo Hastón Departamento de Español Literatura. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanística. Universidad de Las Tunas
  • Mayté González Cruz Departamento de Español Literatura. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanística. Universidad de Las Tunas


syntactic lexical classes; Life task; communicative skills.


The development of skills in students of pedagogical careers, and especially of the specialists of Spanish-Literature, of the University of Las Tunas constitutes a constant concern of educators and researchers, who have directed their research towards the achievement of this goal and their relationship with the Life Task, which is defined as the Cuban State's plan for confronting climate change. The application of research methods and techniques, such as observation to the educational teaching process, the inductive-deductive and the analysis-synthesis showed that difficulties in this objective persist. In this case study, the objective is the elaboration of activities to enhance the confrontation with climate change (Life Task) from the analysis and use of the lexical-syntactic classes of words in texts of different functional styles in the Grammar classes, which favors the development of knowledge, skills and habits in correspondence with the aim of the Cuban Education. It is concluded that the systematization of the theoretical foundations reveals that from the content of the subject Spanish Grammar I, and the methodological treatment for the selectivity of the text in the teaching-learning process, the Life Task can be enhanced, and thus contribute to the comprehensive training of future Spanish-Literature professionals.


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How to Cite

Galiano Castro, D., Curbelo Hastón, Y., & González Cruz, M. (2019). Text Selectivity for the Treatment of Climate Change Confrontation through Grammar Classes. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 4(3), 321–331. Retrieved from https://revistas.pucese.edu.ec/hallazgos21/article/view/370