The listening skill. Its influence upon the English language learning process in the students from the Applied Linguistics School at PUCESE


  • Juleise A. Escobar Suárez Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Sede Esmeraldas


A descriptive quantitative-qualitative investigation was carried out to describe the influence that the listening skill has upon the English language learning process in the students from the Applied Linguistics School at PUCESE, using the deductive and inductive methods. A bibliographical research about the listening skill and the English language learning process was done, and the techniques used were the survey and observation. The population was formed by 43 students and the sample by 40. The results showed that the listening skill is not as fully worked as it needs to be, and that the students consider that with its development and practice, they can get better results with the other skills, like  reading,  writing and speaking,  teachers are regularly implementing the listening skill in their lessons, and  the students are interested in using it, also the students agreed that teachers sometimes use listening materials for teaching, improving the English language and engaging them to work actively in the lesson, but they need more practice. In conclusion, the general results of this investigation coincided with the results of previous investigations, related to this topic, which supported the application and use of listening materials for improving students’ skills and the English language knowledge. The author of this investigation also designed a set of exercises, so that teachers can use them in their lessons for engaging students in listening activities and making them work actively with tasks.

Key words: listening skill; communicative competence; linguistic components


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How to Cite

Escobar Suárez, J. A. (2017). The listening skill. Its influence upon the English language learning process in the students from the Applied Linguistics School at PUCESE. International Congress on the Didactics of the English Language, 2(1). Retrieved from