Third-Level Nursing Students Engaged in an ESP Didactic Unit
In order to assess the teaching of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in third - level nursing students, a pedagogical experience was carried out at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador in Esmeraldas, during the first semester of 2016, for which a group of 30 students was observed during a lesson - planned didactic unit entitled “The body”. The methods used were analysis and syntheses. The students used their text books to practice with some communicative exercises which were already planned, devoted to the ESP teaching-learning process. The results revealed that the students were a lot more motivated to participate in classes, their language level during the lessons improved as they were engaged in active work during the whole unit, integrating the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing in the teaching-learning process of ESP. At the end the students were able to write paragraphs about the different diseases, also they could summarize the most relevant aspects of the different illnesses orally, and they could interpret texts and videos related to different diseases.
Key words: English for Specific Purposes; Nursing students; pedagogical experience
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How to Cite
Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Esmeraldas Campus.
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