Do Corpora Benefit the Level of Vocabulary of 10th Year of Basic Education Students? Case Study
The low level in English classes leads to the need of looking for alternatives of new techniques and methodologies that help to solve this issue. The present case study aims at investigating the benefits that corpus (or its plural corpora) can provide to school classes in Esmeraldas, Ecuador. Through a period of one month, paper material based on information taken from a corpus was applied in a 10th level class at a fiscomisional institution in Esmeraldas. This is an experimental type of study that used mainly quantitative methods for the analysis of class documents and questionnaires, in order to explore students’ response and perceptions to corpus. Also, a pre-test and post-test will be carried out in two classes, one in which the corpus will be applied (treatment group) and the other one which will continue with its regular learning process (control group), in order to know the level of students regarding vocabulary pre- and post- treatment period. Later, through a comparison between the results of both groups and the analysis of a survey, be able to state the benefits that the use of corpus could bring to the English teaching field. The findings indicate that, despite its short time of implementation, the use of corpus in classes improved the level of the student’s vocabulary.
Key Words: corpus; corpora; case study; English teachingReferences
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Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Esmeraldas Campus.
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