Inclusive Education in English Classes for Regular Learners


  • Marisela Jiménez Alvarez Universidad de Oriente. Santiago de Cuba


inclusive education, methodology, Verbal Linguistic Intelligence (VLI), inclusive educational environment


Children´s inclusion in the educative classroom and community activities, under the teachers´ guidance, is an efficient way to provide opportunities to all looking for individual and personal welfare. The following scientific report reveals an experience based on a methodology to develop inclusive education in English classrooms for regular learners. For this, various communicative activities are exemplified to enhance fundamentally, the verbal linguistic, the kinesthetic, the musical, the intrapersonal and the interpersonal intelligences. The research was carried out and applied in English primary classrooms in Santiago de Cuba, where educative programs allow the students to share impartial opportunities to think, do and create learning situations in foreign language. The methodology includes professional orientations in the exploratory, projective, executive and evaluative stages. These stages propitiate the identification of the learners´ intelligences; planning and execution of inclusive activities and assessing of results. The methodological intervention permitted to deepen into the students´ inclusiveness and diversity. Some pedagogical and linguistic tests were applied to verify the students´ linguistic insufficiencies. Data collection instruments show the verbal linguistic intelligence and the other intelligences in 6th graders. Findings point out the progress made by the slow learners, who became average and by the average learners who became advantageous. The methodological intervention in primary classrooms improved the learners´ abilities and intelligences. Furthermore, the recreation of an inclusive educational environment for the teaching of English as experienced in those classrooms brought about positive changes, not only in the cognitive and linguistic levels of the learners, but in their social recognition at the school and in the community.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Alvarez, M. (2020). Inclusive Education in English Classes for Regular Learners. International Congress on the Didactics of the English Language, 3(|). Retrieved from