Didactic Guide of Curricular Adaptation Aimed to Students with Mild Cognitive Impairments


  • Marjorie K. Perlaza Rodríguez Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Esmeraldas


Inclusive Education, Curricular Adaptation, Strategies, Linguistics skills


The main objective of the current proposal is the implementation of interactive strategies   in the English subject through curricular adaptations in the micro planning aimed to students with mild cognitive disabilities included in the regular education at La Providencia Primary School. A quantitative-qualitative research was carried out with the techniques of observation, interview and survey aimed to a population of 21 students with mild cognitive impairments, the principal of the Institution, the psychologist and 2 English Teachers of fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and ninth grade.  The results revealed that the English teachers do not identify learners with cognitive disabilities, they do not know the age difference among a regular student and a student with this type of difficulties; Besides, the teachers do not know what components   must be adjusted in the micro-curricular planning. The principal and the psychologist of the Primary school were interviewed, and an observation form was applied for two weeks. After obtaining the results, the researcher proposed to the English teachers two groups of interactive strategies. The first group belongs to twelve general strategies with objectives and specific details through lesson plans with the curricular adaptation in the performance skills criteria and success indicators of evaluation. Furthermore, specific strategies were introduced through worksheets with the purpose of developing some content of the school year. Finally, it can conclude that the impact of the interactive strategies in students with mild cognitive impairments were meaningful in different fields such as Pedagogical, social, psycholinguistics and economic.


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How to Cite

Perlaza Rodríguez, M. K. . (2020). Didactic Guide of Curricular Adaptation Aimed to Students with Mild Cognitive Impairments . International Congress on the Didactics of the English Language, 3(|). Retrieved from https://revistas.pucese.edu.ec/ICDEL/article/view/494