Need for a Computer Technology Institute in the Atacames Canton, Esmeraldas Province


  • Narda J. Ortiz Campos Instituto Tecnológico Superior “Eloy Alfaro”



computer technology institute; high school students; Atacames.


To determine the need for the creation of a computer technology institute in the Atacames canton, a quantitative-qualitative research was carried out with an exploratory approach during the years 2012-2014. The inductive, deductive and analytical - synthetic methods were used and contributed in obtaining and the analysis of the results. The technique for collecting the data was the survey; this one was directed to 134 students of the third year of high school and to the managers / administrators of the companies settled in the Atacames canton.  93.28% the students expressed their interest in the creation of a technological institute and 68% of them expressed their pleasure to specialize in careers in the area of computer science. In the survey applied to the managers / administrators of the companies, it was established that there is a labor niche corresponding to 67.64%. Also, the existing job positions in the market were known, with the option of 0-1 being the most choice (41.17%); another item to consider is the preference of employers (63.23%) for professionals with the technological level. In view of this, it is concluded that there is a need to create a computer technology institute in the Atacames canton, its curricular design should be based on the different articles established in the Organic Law of Higher Education (LOES) and the Academic Regime Regulation (RRA).


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How to Cite

Ortiz Campos, N. J. (2018). Need for a Computer Technology Institute in the Atacames Canton, Esmeraldas Province. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 3(1), 25–33.



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