Process of Elaboration of a Didactic Guide for Facilitators in Entrepreneurship


  • Gloria K. Holguín Alvarado Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Esmeraldas
  • Roxana I. Benites Cañizares Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Esmeraldas
  • Yulien Herrera Díaz Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Esmeraldas


entrepreneurship; didactic guide; education for entrepreneurship.


Since 2012, the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (PUCE) Esmeraldas, through its Entrepreneurship Unit, has collaborated with the Esmeralda society, encouraging initiatives of local entrepreneurship. Until now, different activities have been carried out with undertakings in the province, which have had a strong content of training, to equip them with technical tools. The increase in the number of enterprises to be trained, in the competitions and projects, gave rise to the need to make a qualitative leap in the applied teaching-learning methodology, through the elaboration of a didactic guide. Not being this a fully documented process, it was decided to describe the process of developing the educational guide for facilitators in entrepreneurship from the PUCE - Esmeraldas by means of a qualitative study, which was based on the documentary review of the reports of the projects implemented by the Unit of Entrepreneurship. A structured interview was applied to the director and the technician in charge of the guide, using the synthetic-analytical method to contrast the information obtained from the documentary sources and the experiences. The results obtained were the increase in the interest of the community in participating, as well as the demands of better tools for entrepreneurs. Finally, it is concluded that the guide has been the consequence of a process of interaction among technicians, facilitators and entrepreneurs who have participated in the process for 4 years.


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How to Cite

Holguín Alvarado, G. K., Benites Cañizares, R. I., & Herrera Díaz, Y. (2018). Process of Elaboration of a Didactic Guide for Facilitators in Entrepreneurship. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 3. Retrieved from



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