Classroom Projects as an Integral Evaluation System in the Teaching of General English


  • Ingrid V. Grijalva Arriaga Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, sede Esmeraldas.
  • María J. Rodas Luque Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, sede Esmeraldas.



classroom projects; comprehensive assessment; skills; communication.


To understand if classroom projects evaluate students in the English area in an integral way at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador in Esmeraldas (PUCESE), it was set out to analyze the classroom projects as an integral evaluation system in the Teaching a foreign language, considering that the main purpose is communication. The research was basically of quantitative type with an exploratory approach.  The surveys applied to of 21 English language teachers and to 150 students from fourth and fifth grade general English at PUCESE, the results showed that classroom projects in English are developed correctly using topics related to the students ' context and integrating the four main language skills of the English language, which are reading, listening, writing and speaking. According to teachers and students, classroom projects allow the use of other necessary abilities in any field, both in personal and professional life. However, the most important aspects of an evaluation tool in a classroom project kept on being  grammar and vocabulary while the skills are assessed separately


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How to Cite

Grijalva Arriaga, I. V., & Rodas Luque, M. J. (2018). Classroom Projects as an Integral Evaluation System in the Teaching of General English. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 3.



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