Trainingof University Professionals for a Sustainable Development from the Perspective of Foreign Languages


  • Arelys Rodríguez Mestre Universidad de Oriente, Cuba.


training; foreign languages; development.


The University has the responsibility of looking for solutions to the problems of society to offer ways and alternatives to support the development of a country. This task might be accomplished taking into consideration the context, the socio-economic conditions and the socio-cultural realities. The demands of mastering the English language at present, claim for a change in the dynamics of the formation of professionals to grant learn to learn, learn to do, learn to live and learn to live together for a sustainable society. This development stands on the bases of essential relations that emerge from the general connections of men in society, specific relations within the teaching-learning process and singular relations between language and professional specialties. In Ecuador, the reality in the preparation of professionals in foreign languages should attend the diverse multiethnic and multicultural characteristics of the society, as well as the different professions.



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How to Cite

Rodríguez Mestre, A. (2018). Trainingof University Professionals for a Sustainable Development from the Perspective of Foreign Languages. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 3. Retrieved from


