The Needof Applying Marketing Strategies in Esmeraldas


  • Christian J. Mora Torres Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Sede Esmeraldas.


strategy; marketing; clients; positioning.


In the city of Esmeraldas, there are different types of businesses with different products or services that are traded for local customers. It is very common to see that this business does not apply any specific techniques in marketing that can support them to focus their efforts towards their customers and attract new ones. It has been identified that businesses in this city market their products based on the experience of their similar and also considering the intuition of the owners. Based on these facts, it has been identified the necessity to apply marketing strategies in the different businesses located in the city of Esmeraldas, which has been the motivation to write this essay.

 The facts that justify the elaboration of this paper are based on the revision of previous researches that deepen on the importance about the different marketing strategies that companies can apply in the market where they develop their commercial activities. This paper was elaborated during the period of January 2016 to February 2017. The main tools used were observation, research, analysis and synthesis of the facts found.

 The purpose of the research paper is to transmit to the owners of the businesses in Esmeraldas City and focus their efforts to direct their businesses based on the importance to apply the different marketing strategies in order to increase their participation in the local market and thus their level of sales. Additionally, to show how the application of this strategies can give the possibility to grow in number of customers by the improvement of communication channels with current customers and potential customers when they know about what the business can offer them.


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How to Cite

Mora Torres, C. J. (2018). The Needof Applying Marketing Strategies in Esmeraldas. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 3. Retrieved from


