Documental Analysis on Phonics for Early Reading Acquisition of English as a Foreign Language


  • Gloria M. Andrade Carrera Universidad Nacional de Loja.
  • Rosa V. González Zúñiga Universidad Nacional de Loja.
  • Miriam E. Troya Sánchez Universidad Nacional de Loja.



phonics; phonemic awareness; early literacy.


The authors emphatically confirm the benefits of having phonemic awareness in English to both non-native teachers and students. This article makes a bibliographic review of Phonics (Systematic-synthetic Method) and its incidence on the process of initial reading in the learning of English as a mother tongue as well as a foreign language. The analysis of each selected study rendered relevant data on the problem and object of study; the participants and their context; the Phonics program and strategies applied to determine the methodological trends of research. It was found that a common characteristic is the application of the systematic-synthetic approach to Phonics in initial reading over other methods like the Global method (Whole word); concluding that the combination of the two methods results in a balanced approach to reading in the target language. In short, the knowledge of Phonics with its didactic implications should be a constituent part of the initial and continuous training of an English teacher along with pedagogical knowledge, language management and the skills of the digital age.


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How to Cite

Andrade Carrera, G. M., González Zúñiga, R. V., & Troya Sánchez, M. E. (2018). Documental Analysis on Phonics for Early Reading Acquisition of English as a Foreign Language. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 3.



Revisión Bibliográfica