Neuronal Process for Analysis of Partial Discharges in the company CORPOELEC, of Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela
classification; partial discharge; neural network; typologies.Abstract
The rotating machines used in the industry tend to have failures in the insulation caused by lack of maintenance and lack of knowledge of their condition. It is important to carry out periodic tests and continuous evaluations of the state of the insulation to guarantee the correct functioning of the machines. One of the methods used for the detection of these faults is Partial Discharges, which consist of small discharges produced in a portion of gas that is dissolved in the oil or dielectric that constitutes the insulation of electrical machines. This article presents the Analysis of Partial Discharges by means of a neuronal processing of the different types of discharges found in the high power transformers of the Electrical Department of National Electric Corporation, SA (Corpoelec) in the City of Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela. In this research work techniques based on an artificial neural algorithm were developed that allowed analyzing the own and individual characteristics of each partial discharge present in the electricity supply transformers of the Corpoelec company, and establishing the contrasts of one discharge with respect to the other . In addition, the techniques developed proved to be multi-classifying because they allow to classify and analyze various data sources, regardless of their nature. The simulations carried out in the research center of Corpoelec allowed to evaluate the partial discharges using their weight matrix; being possible its analysis from the individual typologies.
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