Code Generator Using the Software Product Lines Paradigm
software engineering; software product lines; generation code; ruby programming language; domain specific language.Abstract
In this research, a code generator was developed using the software product lines paradigm along with other development methodologies by analogy. Currently, development applications are focused on a web environment and require security, messaging, user control, etc., so each day they become more complex. A software product line offers an alternative to address that complexity by providing tools that reuse code and improve performance, quality, and time in software product development. The main objective of this work is to present the advantages and potential usefulness of the software product line built by analogy and the improvement in the development of a Java EE web application. The generator intends to automate the process of encoding persistence annotations and implementation of methods with the Java Persistence API (JPA) of the Data Access Object (DAO) of the Entity for access to the database. The prototype was developed in Ruby programming language, Gtk2 libraries for the graphical environment, ERB for handling text files through a template language. This tool increases the development performance and a reduction of the coding time verified by the interval estimate that was made to a group of programmers.
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