Gender Digital Gap Among Pucese Students
gender; digital gap; ICT; accessibility; digital competences.Abstract
The impact that information and communication technologies (ICTs) currently have is one more edge in the differences between women and men, manifested in the inequality of skills, use, content and valuation of these resources, which affects society, attempting against a better quality of life and social welfare of the population. This research addresses, from a gender perspective, the digital gap between students of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Esmeraldas Campus (PUCESE) enrolled in the first half of the 2015 academic year, with the aim of knowing the relationships and correlations that exist based on gender and motivating elements of ICT among students, with a quantitative approach, to analyze the results of a survey of perception and knowledge of the study population, considering that it is precisely those who have previously benefited from the programs and projects that from the central and provincial governments seek to mitigate the existing digital gap. Despite the use of tools such as the SPSS platform, it has been difficult to find significant differences in a population with sociodemographic, cultural, technological, academic, and even similar knowledge in regards to gender, considering that in order to gain access to university, they must complete a leveling course that includes digital skills; However, it has been enriching to find that there are marked differences in some of the edges, and these constitute a baseline for further research.
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