Consolidation oftheValueof Patriotismin Studentsin Initial Trainingat Las Tunas University, Cuba
Patriotism; formation; acting.Abstract
The formation of values is one of the most important actions that the Cuban university of today must carry out. Today, more than ever, in the face of social demands and conditions, the need to search in the historical roots for the formation of patriotic values, to achieve the development of patriotic, revolutionary feelings, of national and local identity, of love and respect for national symbols, national attributes, national and local heroes and martyrs increases. In this paper we propose activities to consolidate the value of patriotism in teachers- students in Initial Training at Las Tunas University. These are carried out through teaching, working, research and extracurricular activities. From the implementation of the activities, in the different areas of the life of the university student, satisfactory results were observed, since the students demonstrate feelings of pride for being Cuban, knowledge and respect to the national symbols. It is perceived they have an adequate attitude towards the care of what surrounds us, they are optimistic about the future of the Homeland. It is confirmed that they feel respect and admiration for those who contributed and contribute to forge the Homeland. It is concluded that, by incorporating the initial training teachers in varied and dynamic activities, a leadership in their modes of action is reached from their patriotic formation.
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González Rey, F. (1993). Comunicación, Personalidad y Desarrollo. Ciudad de La Habana: Editorial Pueblo y Educación.
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