Pulmonary Fibrosis as a Sequela of Tuberculosis and Diaphragmatic Hernia
Pulmonary fibrosis; diaphragm; diaphragmatic hernia; RS 14; interstitial lung disease.Abstract
Background: A clinical case of pulmonary fibrosis as a sequela to tuberculosis in a patient with diaphragmatic hernia diagnosed in adulthood is presented; an exceptional condition of this stage of life. Literature reports few cases outside of childhood.
Objective: To demonstrate that tuberculosis continues to be a scourge for health.
Method: Descriptive and observational study by reviewing the clinical history and questioning the patient. As variables of the study, the following were conceptualized:Diaphragm: It is defined as an odd muscle that constitutes, by itself, the diaphragmatic region; It has the shape of a dome and its center is an aponeurosis from which its muscular fascicles are born, which are inserted in the lower margin of the thorax and posteriorly, thanks to tendinous pillars, in the lumbar vertebrae (Muñoz & Vásquez, 2017) .Pulmonary Fibrosis: It is a condition where the deep tissue of the lungs is intertwined. This causes the tissue to become thickened and hard.Diaphragmatic Hernia: It is defined as the passage of abdominal contents to the thoracic cavity through a defect in the diaphragm (Tapias, Tapias, & Tapias, 2009).RS + 14: Respiratory symptoms with more than fourteen days.Interstitial Pulmonary Disease: It is a very heterogeneous group of entities that predominantly affect the alveolar-interstitial structures, the respiratory tract and the pulmonary vasculature and that present common manifestations in the clinic, radiology and respiratory function (Jareño, De Granda, & Arias, 2008).
Conclusions: It is necessary to expand rapid diagnostic procedures and perform AFB sputum (acid-fast bacilli) to all patients with respiratory symptoms other than 14 days (SR + 14) for early diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
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