The Reflective Journal as a Strategy to Develop Communicative Competences


  • Haydée L. Parra Toribio Instituto Politécnico Nuestra Señora del Carmen, República Dominicana.


reflective journal; knowledge construction; communicative competence; teaching strategies.


In this article, the reflective journal is proposed as a didactic tool, not only for language classes, but for any subjects. It explains why it is an effective strategy that helps develop most communicative skills: linguistic, epistemic, mnemonic or associative, pragmatic, discursive, emotional, reading and instructional. In addition, some methodological proposals for its implementation are presented, which range from explaining to the students the purpose of the journal, its meaning and function, up to the analysis of the evaluation instrument that will be applied to the outputs. Another aspect that is highlighted in this article is the metacognitive character of the reflective journal, since it helps the students to evaluate what they have assimilated and what they have not; and to the teachers it lets them know how effective their strategies are at the time of teaching. The method used in the gathering of the information was the direct observation of the teaching performance of the author's colleagues, her own experience as a teacher and the evaluation of the results when the reflective journal was applied to stimulate the production of text and the reconstruction of what has been learnt. The strategy of the reflective journal is linked to the two main current teaching paradigms: constructivism and the development of competences.


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How to Cite

Parra Toribio, H. L. (2019). The Reflective Journal as a Strategy to Develop Communicative Competences. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 4(1), 79–86. Retrieved from