Legal Regulations on Cybercrimes in Ecuador


  • Narda J. Ortiz Campos Instituto Tecnológico Superior “Eloy Alfaro”, Ecuador.



Cybercrime; typing; penal procedure; types of computer crimes.


The technological advance and the increasing accessibility to the Internet that people have throughout the world has been useful for the massification in the creation and use of different websites and APP (applications). These are designed to meet the needs of its users through giving just one click; The needs are often varied, from complex international banking transactions to simply chatting with another person in a remote part of the world. Undoubtedly, the use of the Internet facilitates the lives of users, but those benefits become dangerous when malicious services infiltrate Internet services that can silently damage not only the technological equipment but also the finances of the people, companies and governments. Malicious programs are inserted into web sites or APP by computer criminals who have made Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) their new tool to commit their illicit acts. What are the types of crimes that are generated in the network, what laws exist to sanction cybercrime and what are the problems to combat it were the questions that motivated the development of this bibliographical review. At the conclusion of the work it was possible to determine that there are difficulties to combat computer crimes due to the transnationality of the same and the incompatibility of laws worldwide; Considering that in some countries there are no Laws to combat computer crimes and that the losses caused by this type of crime are millions.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Campos, N. J. (2019). Legal Regulations on Cybercrimes in Ecuador. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 4(1), 100–111.



Revisión Bibliográfica