The Natural Approach for the Oral Transmission of the Kichwa Language to Children from 0 to 3 Years, Cambugán Community, Otavalo, Ecuador
Natural Approach; intergenerational transmission; Kichwa language; orality.Abstract
The original peoples, historical victims of various forms of oppression, and even exclusion today, have demonstrated their resistance, maintaining their cultural characteristics, such as language. In Ecuador the use of native languages has been declining; such is the case of kichwa, ancestral language that manifests a decrease in its oral transmission to the new generations. Therefore, the objective of the work is to propose as an alternative the use of the Natural Method of language teaching for the oral transmission of the Kichwa language in children from 0 to 3 years of age in the Cambugán community, considering their current context and situation. The research was mixed and descriptive in scope, with the application of surveys, that were processed in the SPSS version 21 software. The results show that 100% of the grandparents of the mothers speak Kichwa, but the grandparents of the children between zero and three years is a generation where only 46% use that language; evidencing that in each new generation the ancestral language is in disuse. The mothers surveyed agree on the use of the Natural Method for oral transmission of the Kichwa language and recognize that their ancestral language is being lost in the community. It is concluded that the use of the Natural Method guarantees that the Kichwa will be developing from the first three years of the child's life, creating a livelihood for teaching strategies in bilingual schools.
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