Usability of ICT in Secondary Education: Action Research with Teachers and Students from Mexico


  • Leticia N. Ramírez-Ramírez Universidad Panamericana, México, Aguascalientes
  • César Claudio-Martínez Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, México, Ciudad de México
  • Valeria Ramírez-Arias Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, México, Ciudad de México



Information technology; Educational innovations; Secondary education; Mexico.


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are a high impact tool in the teaching-learning process. Organizations such the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have called for the incorporation of ICT in secondary education as part of the technological innovations that contribute to the educational progress of the countries. In the Latin American context, educational innovations present themselves with different challenges at micro social and macrosocial levels. This research was designed under the action research framework and aimed to analyze the perceptions of teachers and students around the incorporation of ICT in a publicly funded secondary school in Mexico City. The sample consisted of 23 teachers and 82 students from a public high school south of Mexico City, the sample was chosen by an intentional non-probabilistic sampling. Four research phases were designed based on the guidelines of the research-action design (diagnosis, pedagogical planning, implementation and evaluation). The results are presented through a quantitative descriptive and qualitative content analysis. In the indicators of “usability of ICT before the workshop and use of ICT in the teaching process” there was a concordance between teachers and students regarding the low frequency of the use of ICT in high school and the importance of these in school activities. From the development of the workshop, 89.3% of the students perceived to have more information about the educational use of ICT. Teachers positively valued the incorporation of new ICTs into their teaching strategies.


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How to Cite

Ramírez-Ramírez, L. N. ., Claudio-Martínez , C. ., & Ramírez-Arias, V. (2020). Usability of ICT in Secondary Education: Action Research with Teachers and Students from Mexico. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 5(1), 85–101.



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