Epistemological Nomadism of Inclusive Education


  • Aldo Ocampo González Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos de Educación Inclusiva (CELEI), Chile.




inclusive epistemology of education; epistemological nomadism; transpositions; epistemic diasporism; alterativity.


In this work I explore the analytical configurations of the concept of epistemological nomadism of inclusive education, a space that inaugurates a new way of conceiving and practicing heuristic work. Its eventual, alterative and transformative nature of thought patterns describe it as a powerful resource and system of heuristic reasoning. Epistemological nomadism? The forms of knowledge production are always forms of intervention-creation-alteration, closely linked to the heuristic and the political. It performs an open, restless and affirmative operation of a non-dialectal nature. It is also a theoretical navigation tool. Subsequently, the work analyzes how the category of inclusion becomes an active process in becoming permanent. It also examines the role of transpositions in the construction of knowledge of inclusive education, allowing us to affirm that the heuristic force of inclusion is a mechanism of mutation of contemporary educational theory. A transposition indicates a cross-border operation in the production of knowledge. It is also a unique way of tropologizing, turning or jumping towards other directions, territories and perspectives. The work closes analyzing epistemological diasporism as a fundamental condition of its epistemology. It also addresses the question of how to read the contributions of different fields and projects of knowledge. It concludes by affirming that inclusive education is an epistemological counter-space whose political, heuristic and methodological force encourages the subversion of established conventions.


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How to Cite

Ocampo González, A. (2020). Epistemological Nomadism of Inclusive Education. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 5(2), 203–222. https://doi.org/10.69890/hallazgos21.v5i2.466