Resilience as a Human Capacity in Strengthening Educational Management


  • Gloria M. Rodríguez Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador.
  • Diego R. Luna Álvarez Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador, Sede Guayaquil.
  • Heriberto E. Luna Álvarez Moon International University, Miami, Florida.


resilience; managerial capacity; educational management.


The present study aims to analyze resilience as a human capacity in the strengthening of educational management in undergraduate teachers, Acarigua Academic Extension, of the Institute for Professional Improvement of Teaching (IMPM) in Venezuela, which was theoretically supported by assuming the implicit attitude in the human being, which leads to overcome any adversity to transform reality; That is why the educational environment, in the face of adversity, requires the managerial capacity of the teacher or director, because they must resist, adapt to overcome and recover in an effective and timely manner in the face of the novelties to which they are exposed. For this, the theories of the Hierarchy of Needs of Abraham Maslow and the Motivational Factors of Hertzberg, related to the different levels of resilience, were assumed. Methodologically, the study was located in the positivist paradigm, quantitative approach, oriented through a descriptive field research, considering the IMPM teachers as a population and, as a sample, eight professionals who work at the Acarigua Academic extension, to whom a 24-item questionnaire was applied. It was found out that the resilience present in educational management in undergraduate teachers is very weak, because the teacher gives up in difficult situations and does not react in the best way; Added to this is the lack of resources and tools. Despite the existence of the best disposition to move forward, according to this situation, it is recommended that professionals who face challenges should be helped, who require motivation and institutional support, so that educational management is strengthened and is able to address situations that they are negative for them and training activities could be encouraged.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, G. M. ., Luna Álvarez, D. R. ., & Luna Álvarez , H. E. . (2020). Resilience as a Human Capacity in Strengthening Educational Management. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 5(3), 338–357. Retrieved from



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