Analysis of the Performance of Secondary Education Teachers in Naranjito Canton


  • Néstor Oleas Chimbo Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Ecuador
  • Silvia R. Pacheco Mendoza Universidad Estatal de Bolívar, Ecuador


Performance;, teacher evaluation;, secondary education.


The present research work has as a general objective to analyze the relationship between the evaluation of teachers and their performance. Descriptive and explanatory methods, with a grounded documental study, were used in this research, with a quantitative approach. As a result, it was found that teachers are evaluated in the teaching-learning process, and that it was also possible to show little commitment of the teacher, poor teamwork, and little use of information and communication technologies. All this causes the teacher not to comply with the assigned and work-oriented tasks. The conclusion of this research is that the evaluation of teaching performance that has been applied in secondary schools has not been positive because the management of public secondary schools in the Naranjito canton are aware of the term; but not all the phases of the process are met, nor are the specific instruments based on models that allow to evaluate teacher´s performance in an orderly, lasting and planned manner, which results in the development of strategies that recognize offering the teacher a reflective training in order to favor the increase of educational quality.


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How to Cite

Oleas Chimbo, N., & Pacheco Mendoza, S. R. (2021). Analysis of the Performance of Secondary Education Teachers in Naranjito Canton. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 6(1), 79–92. Retrieved from



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