The Configuration of Personality and its Relationship with Addictive Disorders in the Formative Process


  • Roberto A. Ramos Valverde Centro Médico Neurovida, Mozambique


personality;, addictive disorders;, training process.


Taking into account a holistic approach in the determination of personality, an update is made of the theoretical foundations that underpin the four personological elements that have become its pillars, establishing the relationship between personological configuration and addictive disorders in a dynamic, complex, dialectical and systemic way, in light of the current knowledge. The knowledge of the personality by the teachers equips them with new tools to establish preventive strategies that decrease the incidence of addictions in the students, helping to reinforce the educational component in the training process.


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How to Cite

Ramos Valverde, R. A. . (2021). The Configuration of Personality and its Relationship with Addictive Disorders in the Formative Process. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 6(1), 111–123. Retrieved from



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