Effects of Early Stimulation Using the Mother Kangaroo Method in the Premature at Delfina Torres de Concha Hospital del Sur in Esmeraldas, Ecuador
early stimulation;, kangaroo mother care method;, premature;, newborn;, breastfeeding.Abstract
Background: The Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) method through skin-to-skin contact between the mother and the baby ensures optimal growth and development in the premature newborn and prevents morbidity and mortality.
Objective: to describe the effects of early stimulation by the Mother Kangaroo Care method in the premature newborn at “Delfina Torres de Concha” Hospital del Sur, in Esmeraldas, Ecuador.
Methods: the investigation was of mixed type (Quan/ Qual), with a descriptive scope and non-probabilistic sampling for convenience. The sample consisted of 51 premature children who received the intervention in the intrahospital phase; the 51 mothers were surveyed in order to identify the knowledge level about the method; Through the observation form, the abilities and techniques of the mothers in the kangaroo position were verified and through the medical records the recovery of the neonate´s weight was determined.
Results: it was found out that the most outstanding age groups were those under 15 years (27.5%), followed by the 16 to 20 years group (37.3%). The gestational ages under study were from 28 to 36.5 weeks´ gestation, 64.7% of the mothers have an incomplete knowledge level about the method and its characteristics, 60.8% referred fear of and insecurity in the procedure; only five infants up to 35 weeks´ gestation increased their weight to 201g of their initial weight and none of the infants over 36 weeks gestation increased their weight.
Conclusions: the adolescents were a relevant group in the study due to the little knowledge they had about the KMC, in addition to the ineffectiveness in its application and specifically in the recovery of weight, since the newborns decreased the weight and in those who increased it, it was generated by autonomy and not as part of the method. Educating pregnant women in the technique is essential. This will help build confidence when performing the method and will affect the recovery of preterm newborns.
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