Psychosocial Risk Prevention Strategies in University Teachers and Administrative Staff: Participatory Methodology


  • Nelson A. Muela González Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Sede Esmeraldas



strategies;, prevention;, psychosocial risks;, staff;, administrative staff.


The objective of this study was to define strategies for the prevention, promotion, and intervention of psychosocial risks applicable to university teachers and administrative staff, through a participatory methodology. The study followed a qualitative design by applying an instrument for the participatory formulation of an intervention plan for psychosocial risk factors. The participants were 171 people, distributed in 115 teachers of higher education level and 56 administrative workers. The technique used was a questionnaire constructed by the author from the "General Technical Guide for the Promotion, Prevention and Intervention of Psychosocial Factors and their Effects on the Working Population" of the Ministry of Labor of Colombia, developed by experts from the Javeriana University of Bogotá. The questionnaire has 13 questions that identify the health intervention actions and the psychosocial risk factor intervention actions proposed by the participants. The results indicate that health promotion activities focus on the promotion or healthy lifestyles (23.5%), the suggested actions   on health effects are oriented towards primary prevention, mainly the first aid techniques in view of situations of anxiety (59%) and regarding the actions on health effects at the level of secondary prevention focused on knowing crisis care techniques and psychological first aid (37.4%). It is concluded that the strategies established in the promotion of health are necessary to implement and promote healthy lifestyles within the working day, to improve the productivity and health of the working population.


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How to Cite

Muela González, N. A. . (2021). Psychosocial Risk Prevention Strategies in University Teachers and Administrative Staff: Participatory Methodology. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 6(3), 311–322.



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