Pedagogical Experiences in the Teaching of Secondary Level Mathematics in Cuba


  • Bárbara Valdés Reyes Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina de Cuba


mathematics, objectives, contents, methodological work, teaching learning


With the aim of explaining the evolution of the pedagogical thought of a graduate of the Pedagogical Detachment in the teaching of Mathematics at the secondary level, these experiences were elaborated from the work of 39 years teaching classes and directing the methodological work at different levels of education. The results are focused on sensitive areas of professional performance such as self-improvement, work with the actions of the ability declared in each class objective, the types of class, the quality of the teaching task, the orientation of students for learning, interdisciplinarity and understanding of mathematical content.


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How to Cite

Valdés Reyes, B. (2022). Pedagogical Experiences in the Teaching of Secondary Level Mathematics in Cuba. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 7(1), 93–102. Retrieved from