Perception of Humanized Nursing Care in Patients in the Emergency Area of the Juan Carlos Guasti Hospital of the Atacames Canton
perception;, humanized care;, Nursing;, nurse-patient relationshipAbstract
Background: Humanized care must be the result of the disciplinary interrelation between knowledge and action, to provide affective and effective care to the patient.
Objective: to analyze the perception of the humanized care of patients treated in the emergency area at the Juan Carlos Guasti Hospital, of the Atacames canton.
Methods: mixed type study, with cross-sectional design, and a descriptive scope. The deductive-inductive and the observational methods were used. There was a sample of 183 patients, using a survey and observation sheet as data collection, with a questionnaire to assess the humanized care provided by nursing professionals.
Results: 58% of the sample was represented by women, 31% were older adults. 28% reported they always received humanized care, compared to 17% who never. Among the elements valued, the friendly treatment was found with 33% almost always. In the delivery to humanized work, 42% reflected that regularly. In 32% of the patients their religious preferences were not taken into account, 32% determined that the care regularly reflected the application of knowledge. In 13% the care was never oriented to their needs, 26% were regularly for their needs. Of holistic care, it was found that physical needs were the ones that were considered the most with 27% always; social needs were never considered in 31%.
Conclusion: it was found that the nursing home provides humanized care by the nursing staff, although a proportion was established that valued negative aspects such as communication, care for social and spiritual needs.
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