Change Laboratory: Innovating in the Management of an Integrated School for Adults
Educational management, The Changes Laboratory, Pandemic, Integrated adult educationAbstract
This research work focuses on the implementation of the change laboratory methodology in an integrated adult education establishment in the city of Iquique, Chile. The main objective of the implementation of the change laboratory was to generate a positive impact, based on the transformation of the organizational management of the school, since it must identify improvement initiatives through the registration of interpretations of team management of this educational unit for the achievement of an effect in the pedagogical work. The research was qualitative and group interviews were conducted. The sample was composed of 8 management team people. The most important findings that were revealed emerged from the teaching reflection, on which problems that were emerging were consolidated, generating the proposals for improvement to be addressed simultaneously, as well as the identification of critical elements existing in the fields of administration and pedagogical management, allowing improvement initiatives among which collaborative work and the effectiveness of the times stand out.
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