Training for the Micro-enterprises of the Popular and Solidarity Economy in Esmeraldas Canton


  • Verónica J. Sotamba Romero Empresa Pública Flota Petrolera Ecuatoriana
  • Roxana Benites Cañizares Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Esmeraldas.


Training; micro-enterprises; Popular and Solidarity Economy; Esmeraldas.


The micro-enterprises are the basis of the pyramid of the Popular and Solidarity Economy. Many of them, without necessary technical training, have started their activities. For this study, a training program has been taken as a reference to the Association of Food and Cleaning Services Sazón de Campo "ASAZCAMP", in Esmeraldas, dedicated to the feeding service in the Children's Centers of Buen Vivir (CIBV). The general objective was to implement a training program according to the current need of ASAZCAMP and determine the cost benefit of the training. We worked with qualitative and quantitative techniques to obtain information. The results are based on an analysis of economic, political, environmental and cultural factors, as well as a diagnosis through the application of a SWOT. With this diagnosis of training needs determined, the conceptual analysis was made based on the strengthening of competencies and the application of requirements of state entities such as public purchases and standardized food handling concepts for consumption, as well as knowledge of administration and cooperative work in associations with a view to offering the best services. The training program was evaluated by the participants in the fulfillment of reaction, learning and application or transfer objectives. As a result of these evaluations, participants rated the Food Handling course as the largest contribution, with an influence percentage of 38.5%. An important contribution of this research is the quantification of the impact of training, obtaining as a result a cost / benefit ratio of 1.28 dollars of the investment in training.


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How to Cite

Sotamba Romero, V. J., & Benites Cañizares, R. (2018). Training for the Micro-enterprises of the Popular and Solidarity Economy in Esmeraldas Canton. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 3(1), 69–80. Retrieved from



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