Characterization of Service and Customer Service in Informal BusinessesOf the Esmeraldas Cantón


  • Freddy L. Betancourt Aguilar Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Sede Esmeraldas
  • Alexandra M. Bautista Segovia Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Sede Esmeraldas
  • Pedro R. Suárez Surí Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Sede Esmeraldas


Customer service; customer service; informal business; informal economy; informal work.


In order to characterize the service and customer service in the informal businesses of the rural parishes of Tachina, San Mateo and Camarones of the Esmeraldas canton, a descriptive investigation was carried out, of quantitative and qualitative scope. The population consisted of 330 clients (56% women and 44% men) and 31 business owners interviewed (72% women and 28% men), and four experts were interviewed. The sample was selected by stratified sampling, analysis and synthesis, dialectic, observation, survey and interview were used as methods and techniques for research. The results showed that 55.5% of respondents observed that service and customer service in informal businesses are good. According to the analysis of the opinions of clients and owners, the factors that must be improved in order to provide a quality service and customer service are the poor image of the business infrastructure, the inadequate presentation and image of the personnel working in the business, the lack of water almost always in the three rural parishes mentioned above and the low supply of products in informal businesses. It is concluded that the informal businesses of Tachina, San Mateo and Camarones do not advance more as undertakings because they have not invested in the improvement of the premises, in the training of their employees and in the increase of the offers to the visiting public.


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How to Cite

Betancourt Aguilar, F. L., Bautista Segovia, A. M., & Suárez Surí, P. R. (2018). Characterization of Service and Customer Service in Informal BusinessesOf the Esmeraldas Cantón. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 3. Retrieved from



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