The Planning of the ATR Sports Training, Strategic Victory in the High Performance of the Sub 18 Team of Football from Loja


  • Danilo Charchabal Pérez Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • José E. Macao Naula Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Sebastián Díaz Páez Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Luis B. Montesino Guarnizo Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Aracely I. Mejía Obando Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas.


ATR training; methodological theory; football; team sport


This article raises as research axis the planning of the ATR sports training, strategic victory in the high performance in the football team sub 18 Liga de Loja. The study is based on the socio-historical and cognitive theories of sports training planning. It is a descriptive research, with a pre-experimental design, a mixed qualitative-quantitative approach, inductive, deductive, and analysis and synthesis methods were applied, as well as the application of three phases: accumulation, transformation and realization. It was applied to a sample of 24 soccer players, the data were obtained through the results of the tests applied in the pretest and posttest. It is concluded that the proposed model considerably increases the effectiveness of the components of the preparation of the athlete in the technical, tactical and physical. The application of this ATR model is recommended for the sub 14 and sub 16 categories. Its main contribution is to apply a training methodology rarely seen in football based on ATR training.


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How to Cite

Charchabal Pérez, D., Macao Naula, J. E., Díaz Páez, S., Montesino Guarnizo, L. B., & Mejía Obando, A. I. (2018). The Planning of the ATR Sports Training, Strategic Victory in the High Performance of the Sub 18 Team of Football from Loja. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 3. Retrieved from



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