Methodology to include in the Chairs the linkagewith the Community. Perspective of the Design and Social Innovation
methodology; link with the community; design and social innovation.Abstract
The Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador Sede Esmeraldas is at the service of the community, supporting through its careers the social and economic development of the most vulnerable groups of the locality.
The purpose of this study is to explain in a descriptive way the methodology applied in the graphic design career to involve in class subjects different projects, aimed at satisfying the need of a community group according to the Annual Career Plan.
To achieve the expected results, a process consisting of several steps was developed, which allowed for a dynamic and versatile intervention, involving different stakeholders such as: responsible for linking the career, project managers, support teachers, students and direct beneficiaries.
The methodology for the application of this process, started from meetings that integrated different estates such as: the direction of link of the PUCE-Esmeraldas, direction of the graphic design school, project managers, support teachers and students. Among the activities proposed were the observation visits, as well as work tables structured by; Responsible for linking and projects, in other cases, those responsible for projects and support teachers. Subsequently, conversations were held between support teachers and students. Additionally, interviews were given with the beneficiaries.
As a result of this methodology, it was obtained that 66% of the students of the career made links with the community within their academic activities and the remaining percentage, the predominant factor was that they belonged to the first level. On the other hand, 100% of the teachers designated to this process, fulfilled their assignments. A teacher was also voluntarily incorporated, which affected the actions opportunely and positively as part of the relationship.
In conclusion, the application of this methodology allowed both teachers and students to comply with the link within their academic days allowing autonomous work at the service of disadvantaged sectors of society. In the same way it was identified that the students of 1st level and those who took one to five subjects in different levels, did not participate in the activities of linking, preventing them from contributing to the objectives set in the project.
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