Execution of the Annual Plan of Operative Contracting in the National Electricity Corporation


  • Mirna M. Chichande Mora Corporación Nacional de Electricidad Empresa Pública, Esmeraldas, Ecuador.




annual plan; public engagement; processes; public purchases; planning.


To analyze the annual planification of public contract on of the Corporation National of electricity Public Enterprise (CNEL EP) Business Unit (UN) Esmeraldas, year 2016, it was realized a conceptual review of the categories budgeting and contracting; as well as the review of studies with which the results of this research were compared. To collect the information, a quantitative approach was applied with a descriptive scope, selecting a sample of 23 of operational cut because they are the ones that support the logistics to meet the objectives of the study; the techniques considered were the observation, documentary collection and the interview, with these, the instruments of observation fiches were used, which consisted of the elaboration of route sheets to quantify the days leading to the completion of the operational processes and questionnaires to 6 officials involved in the processes. Among the most relevant results, it was found that in November the CNEL operational PAC achieved a 57% execution, which includes 23 processes between general services and transport in the revision of these could be determined that the activity with the longest delay is the elaboration of terms of reference


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How to Cite

Chichande Mora, M. M. (2018). Execution of the Annual Plan of Operative Contracting in the National Electricity Corporation. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 3. https://doi.org/10.69890/hallazgos21.v3i0.229



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