Chone Multipurpose Project Irrigation Suitability Through Magnesium Absorption Ratio


  • Joaquín A. Naranjo Palomeque, Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Nathaly B. Hinojoza Cordero Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Mishell D. Lara Doicela Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • María S. Montaluisa Mantilla Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • David V. Carrera Villacrés Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE.


Calcium carbonate (CaCO3); cations; hardness; magnesium; titration.


Chone basin is located in the province of Manabí and is formed by four micro basins: San Lorenzo river, Garrapata river, Mosquito river and Grande river. Chone Multipurpose Project (CHMPP) was installed at the Grande river, with two purposes: to provide drinking water to the canton and to provide water for irrigation to the population that is dedicated to agriculture, through a drainage system, which also avoids floods caused by El Niño phenomenon. This research aimed to establish the suitability for irrigation of the water of the CHMPP, based on the total, calcium and magnesium hardness variation in the Grande basin, before (2014) and after (2017) the dam began to operate. 17 sampling points were selected: one of them was in the CHMPP reservoir and the remaining ones, upstream of the Grande river. To measure total and calcium hardness, the APHA 2340 Hardness method was used; magnesium hardness was calculated with the difference of titration volumes and the soil suitability for irrigation in 2017 was established from the Magnesium Adsorption Ratio (MAR). According to the MAR, 70.6% of the tributaries upstream of the Grande river are not suitable for irrigation, so consideration should be given to the softening of these waters or the addition of calcium as amendment to balance ion exchange ratios in soil.


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How to Cite

Naranjo Palomeque, J. A., Hinojoza Cordero, N. B., Lara Doicela, M. D., Montaluisa Mantilla, M. S., & Carrera Villacrés, D. V. (2018). Chone Multipurpose Project Irrigation Suitability Through Magnesium Absorption Ratio. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 3. Retrieved from



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