Music Therapy as a Complementary Therapy in Inclusive Children Education


  • María L. Montánchez Torres Universidad Católica de Cuenca.
  • Juan P. Sigüenza Orellana Universidad Católica de Cuenca.


child music theraphy; special educational needs; inclusive education; development; complementary therapy.


Music therapy is the use of music or its musical elements (such as sound, rhythm, melody, and harmony), by a qualified professional, called music therapist, with a patient or group, or within the educational field with a student or group of students, with the intention to facilitate and promote communication, learning, mobilization, expression, organization and other relevant therapeutic elements; for achieve changes, and to satisfy physical, emotional, mental, social and cognitive needs. Therefore, within young students that may present certain special educational needs, this therapy has an effect on the maintenance and rehabilitation of those shortfall areas that require urgent attention; thus, promoting significant changes in the children. It is a discipline that has been studied with scientific rigor for more than 70 years, but at present, it is still new in the educational, occupational and medical fields. This theoretical revision will explain various aspects of music therapy which are essential for it to be understood as in the case of other experimental studies: definitions, international and national state of art, fields of action - child age, objectives pursued in Inclusive Education and the influence of music therapy for the development from the very first childhood.


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How to Cite

Montánchez Torres, M. L., & Sigüenza Orellana, J. P. (2018). Music Therapy as a Complementary Therapy in Inclusive Children Education. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 3. Retrieved from


