Economic Dynamics from the Complexity of the Local Spaces. Is it possible?


  • Diego X. Mancheno P. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Sede Quito.
  • Jackeline Contreras D. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Sede Quito.
  • Grace P. Guerrero Zurita Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Sede Quito.


territory; complex dynamics; innovation; space production; socioeconomic space.


This article raises the challenge of understanding the economic dynamics of the canton Salcedo from a comprehensive and systemic perspective. It begins with a theoretical justification in the context of the contributions of Lefebvre (1974) to integrate actors and territories in the production of their spaces, dynamics and inter-relationships. Then, a reading of the socio-economic and cultural information of the canton is done, trying to keep consistency with the theory. It is expected that this methodology can overcome the failures of traditional public policy practices. It is suggested that the State intervention both, at the national and local levels, should be directed to the identification and promotion of those emerging characteristics that allow them to overcome perverse stationary stages and put economy in virtuous circles.



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How to Cite

Mancheno P., D. X., Contreras D., J., & Guerrero Zurita, G. P. (2018). Economic Dynamics from the Complexity of the Local Spaces. Is it possible?. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 3. Retrieved from



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