The Principles of the Ingenious Codeand its Incidence on Higher Education Institutions


  • María de L. Solis Murillo Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, sede Esmeraldas.


Knowledge; higher education; Ingenious Code; Ecuador.


The Organic Code of the Social Economy of Knowledge, Creativity and Innovation, also called the  Ingenious Code was born as a dream of the National Secretariat of Higher Education Science and Technology of Ecuador (SENESCYT); created and discussed through the "wiky collaboration" process.

This document made a bibliographic review of articles published on the web and the legal regulations of the code, this is a research of a descriptive and analytical type that seeks to make known the conceptualization of the code, its principles and regulations as a link with universities, in addition to the controversial points that derive from it.

Universities are the link between the State and society to promote the knowledge that is the most precious intangible asset of the development of a nation. Under these principles, HEIs are actors and managers of knowledge and it is part of their functions to bring knowledge of the classrooms to the community, through the projects of bonding; the research promotes the development of new inventions, creation of software products as initiatives of its students, and combat biopiracy. The Ingenious Code seeks to move Ecuador from digital illiteracy to the age of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Solis Murillo, M. de L. (2018). The Principles of the Ingenious Codeand its Incidence on Higher Education Institutions. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 3. Retrieved from



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