Prescription of Non-steroidal Analgesics in Primary Health Care at Rafael Izquierdo Polyclinic


  • Youdesley Ávila Peña Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil
  • Héctor Mariño Cano Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil
  • Ladis Peña Pérez Filial de Ciencias Médicas Puerto Padre, Cuba


drug; inflammation; pain.


Background: Pain is the result of the stimulation of nociceptors that are present in all body tissues, especially the skin. Depending on the size and depth of the lesion, the evolution of the lesion can be predicted.

Objective: To describe the prescription of non-steroidal analgesics in primary health care at Rafael Izquierdo polyclinc, in Delicias, during 2015.

Method: A retrospective descriptive study was carried out. The population was 53 professionals, and the sample was constituted by the 24 prescribers who were working directly in patient care, excluding those who were in administrative functions, in rendering services or in postgraduate studies. The data were obtained from the survey, studying the following variables: main drugs of the group that are prescribed for pain with or without inflammation, administration intervals of drugs for pain with or without inflammation. In the data processing, descriptive measures were used, absolute and relative frequency, exposing the results in tables for better visualization.

Results: To treat pain, the 100% of doctors use Dipyrone and Paracetamol; for the pain associated with inflammation, the 100% use Ibuprofen, followed by Piroxicam, with 91.6%.

Conclusions: physicians select adequately drugs to treat pain and for pain associated with an inflammatory process, correctly using the administration intervals to treat pain as the only symptom or when it is associated with inflammation.


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How to Cite

Ávila Peña, Y., Mariño Cano, H., & Peña Pérez, L. (2019). Prescription of Non-steroidal Analgesics in Primary Health Care at Rafael Izquierdo Polyclinic. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 4(1), 24–30. Retrieved from



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