Reading Proficiency of Students Entering Junior High School at Sagrado Corazón Fiscomisional Educational Unit
reading level; comprehension; text; CompLEC test.Abstract
The purpose of this study was to know the level of reading that the 96 aspiring students have to enter the Eighth Year of Basic Senior level of the Sagrado Corazón Education Unit; for this, the Reading Proficiency Test (CompLEC) was used, which in its design is based on the evaluation scheme of the International Student Program (PISA); which represents internationally valid instruments and whose purpose is to assess the levels of knowledge and basic skills for the performance of reading, math and science skills among students, schools and countries. Given the results of the application of the CompLEC test, it is determined that the students reached an average of 5.3 / 20, demonstrating a poor level in the development of reading skills, especially in the ability to retrieve information, indicating the lack of development in reading skills that allow students to make processes of understanding texts based on reading levels. It also became evident the need for teachers who work reading processes to provide students with tools that strengthen the understanding of a text.
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