Importance and Benefits of a Correct Autopsy Regarding a Case of Natural Death
legal medical necropsy; aplastic crisis; sicklemia.Abstract
A case of a teenage girl is presented where legal medical autopsy was requested to be performed the given the age of the girl and faced with doubt of possible poisoning, since the history of food ingestion at a party was collected, followed by vomiting, diarrhea and unexpected death. It was confirmed, by the data obtained during hospitalization, the macroscopic findings of the necropsy, the histological study of the organs as well as the toxicological studies, that it was a natural death. In this case it was thought of a poisoning, but it was not. In the act of legal medical necropsy and with the studies that complement the investigation, we were able to identify that it was a natural death thus ruling out a violent cause. This demonstrates once again the importance of autopsy as the most complete study of the sick-disease and guaranteeing quality in medicine, serving as a counterpart study of diagnoses and treatments.
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