Management Models of Educational Research Centers
research; management; organization; management model.Abstract
This work adheres to the international programs aimed at studying scientific research in its multiple facets, including the organizational one; and it aims to explain the factors that make up the management of research centers, obtaining as a result which are the management factors that, if applied, would guarantee an increase in the productivity of institutions aimed at generating science. It is included in the Research Teaching / Learning Line Program, born at the Simón Rodríguez University, Venezuela. Based on these studies, the following reflection is born: if scientific research is an organizational fact, it is also a manageable fact. Once the system of factors that make up this management has been determined, it is analyzed how they are interrelated, generating a management model that guarantees the increase in productivity of a research center in the educational area. Although the research was carried out in the education, its scope is applicable to any research center. The epistemological and methodological orientation of this study was rationalistic. From the management factors of a research center, the model derived establishes the optimal interrelation that indicates when a research center is suitable for the purposes of the production of knowledge and technologies for a society.
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