Knowledge Management: A Challenge of Current Elementary School


  • Hipólito E. Santos Loo Universidad de Las Tunas, Facultad Ciencias de la Educación, Las Tunas, Cuba.
  • Kenia E. García Armas Universidad de Las Tunas, Facultad Ciencias de la Educación, Las Tunas, Cuba.
  • Adis F. Martí Rivero Universidad de Las Tunas, Facultad Ciencias de la Educación, Las Tunas, Cuba.


learning; function; concept.


The article refers to one of the theoretical results of the research project "Didactic contextualization in the teaching-learning process of the Physical-Chemical-Mathematical Sciences". The work contains considerations on the diagnosis of the state of the aforementioned problem in primary schools taken as a sample of the municipality of Las Tunas, Cuba,  and the argumentation of the theoretical limitations related to the development of functional thinking from Mathematics classes from the instruments applied to verify this problem. As a response to the difficulties revealed in the diagnosis, didactic suggestions are proposed for the implicit treatment of the concept of function based on the correspondences and relationships that can be found in the sixth grade content, mainly in the movements of the plane and the problems of proportionality. The correspondence and functions guideline is taken into account to form this concept propaedeutically in primary school students, specifically in sixth grade. It is concluded that primary school teachers must take into account in their classes the possibilities of developing the functional thinking in their students that allows them to develop skills and knowledge so that in ninth grade they can define the concept of function explicitly.


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How to Cite

Santos Loo, H. E. ., García Armas, K. E. ., & Martí Rivero, A. F. . (2020). Knowledge Management: A Challenge of Current Elementary School. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 5(3), 288–298. Retrieved from



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