Motivation, Self-Esteem and Self-Care Methodology as a Transformative Strategy in the Elderly


  • Luis C. A. Ruiz Chow Escuela de Alfabetización del Adulto Mayor, Distrito 7, Managua, Nicaragua


Education;, Adult education;, Alternative education;, Social education;, Inclusive education.


The Government of Reconciliation and National Unity in Nicaragua, in compliance with Law No. 720, inaugurated the School of Literacy for the Elderly in 2017, integrating to the accompanying commission the National Technological Institute (INATEC) and the Ministry of Family Economy (MEFCCA ), with the aim of building a pertinent educational plan, whose practical output, once the training course is finished, would be the creation of enterprises and projects that dignify the elderly, from their own cognitive strengths to transform their realities. This makes the author venture into an anthropogogical practice that provides a solution to the aforementioned, from the social, emotional and popular articulation, as part of a critical and political methodological process, whose purpose consists of the integral transformation of the realities and needs of learners in their social contexts. The well-being as a driving force and motivation in teaching; and teaching as a horizontal practice, where we are all part of. As a result, of all the protagonists enrolled in the Literacy School in 2020, 40% completed their training process, designing and executing an enterprise; that doubles the results compared to 2019, under the School of Values ​​methodology.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Chow, L. C. A. (2021). Motivation, Self-Esteem and Self-Care Methodology as a Transformative Strategy in the Elderly. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 6(1), 16–32. Retrieved from



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