Comprehension Difficulties and Methods of Teaching Linear Inequalities at the University Level


  • Galo P. Terán Ortiz Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Latacunga, Ecuador.


Education; teaching methods; learning; understanding; linear inequalities.


The present study was developed with the objective of knowing the limitations that students have in the thematic context of first and second grade inequalities in mathematics, considering the weaknesses that many of the teaching methods have around the freedoms to develop a flexible scheme with which university students in general feel supported for the consolidation of knowledge in the field. In this sense, an investigation was carried out within the quantitative paradigm and a descriptive scope, with a diagnosis made through a field design with the application of a survey. The dichotomous questionnaire questioned the sample about the teaching of mathematics in their professional career. In this sense, the result obtained was that most of the respondents showed that they do not understand the exercises, the set of expressions and the resolutions of the problems proposed by the current method used by the teachers; Furthermore, in overtime they do not perform any type of academic reinforcement tasks, that is, they do not do internships and do not comply with their own and personal cognitive activities for this purpose. It is concluded that in the context of mathematics teaching, the clear presentation of the concepts and the revision that the students make precisely from the first moment is fundamental.


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How to Cite

Terán Ortiz, G. P. . (2021). Comprehension Difficulties and Methods of Teaching Linear Inequalities at the University Level. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 6(2), 124–137. Retrieved from



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