Contextualization of Curriculum Design of the Sociology Studies


  • Paulina S. Valle Oñate Universidad Estatal de Bolívar, Ecuador.
  • Geovanna L. Valle Oñate Universidad Estatal de Bolívar, Ecuador.
  • Yonaiker Navas Montes Universidad Estatal de Bolívar, Ecuador.


relevance;, context;, prospective;, Sociology.


When evaluating the relevance of the Sociology studies in Ecuador, the question is established: How to analyze the sub-criterion of context in relevance? For this purpose, seven fundamental elements are proposed: geographical characterization, importance of the career, legal relevance, prospective of scientific, humanistic and technological development, linking the career profile with planning at the global, national, zonal, local and institutional levels. and, finally, comparison of previous studies designs. A competitive analysis of the presence of the studies was carried out at a national and international level. The article shows a bibliographic research of a methodological and descriptive nature, which uses data filing as a data collection technique and bibliographic records as an instrument. It is concluded that the Sociology career is pertinent in the context of the case study of the State University of Bolívar in Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Valle Oñate, P. S. ., Valle Oñate, G. L. ., & Navas Montes, Y. (2021). Contextualization of Curriculum Design of the Sociology Studies. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 6(2), 158–173. Retrieved from



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