Rural Education in San Lorenzo, its Possibilities and Limitations


  • Carlos A. Bazurto Caicedo Unidad Educativa Mariscal Sucre, cantón San Lorenzo
  • María L. Bernabé Lillo Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Esmeraldas


rural education;, innovation;, educational quality.


The objective of this research was to analyze the limitations and possibilities that rural schools in the San Lorenzo canton, Esmeraldas province have regarding educational innovation and the improvement of the quality of education. For this, a descriptive study is carried out within the framework of the qualitative paradigm and the interpretive approach. Through the application of interviews to key informants and the development of a focus group with ten teachers from the sector, the experiences and reflections that they have regarding the educational reality of rural schools, their limitations and possibilities are analyzed. The results show the existence of numerous limitations, but also of possibilities that must be exploited by rural schools. It is concluded that there is a need to establish educational policies that converge in a comprehensive quality of rural education in line with the fourth objective of sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Bazurto Caicedo, C. A. ., & Bernabé Lillo, M. L. . (2021). Rural Education in San Lorenzo, its Possibilities and Limitations. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 6(3), 260–269. Retrieved from



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