Risk factors associated with ventilatory weaning failure in patients in the Intensive Care Unit
Ventilator weaning;, respirator disconnection;, artificial respiration;, ventilator removal;, respiratory therapy.Abstract
Objective: To analyze the risk factors associated with the failure of ventilatory weaning in adult patients who are in the Intensive Care unit of the Saludesa Hospital, during the period from January to December 2019.
Methods: Cross-sectional, observational study of patients with ages greater than or equal to 35 years who were under mechanical ventilatory support for more than 48 hours.
Results: 60% of patients had unsuccessful weaning, mortality was 21%, with 91% having the highest percentage of unsuccessful weaning; furthermore, men had an 83% failure. Likewise, a high failure was noted in those suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) with 75%. Patients with a hospital stay of 14 or more days had 80% failure at weaning; patients with prolonged weaning presented a failure equivalent to 71%.
Conclusions: The risk factors associated with weaning failure were age, sex, personal pathological history, type of weaning and intubation time.
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