Analysis of the Administrative Management in Risk Management at Padre Alberto Buffoni Hospital
Management;, risks;, hospital;, vulnerability;, threatAbstract
Background: occupational risk management starts from the determination of all the physical, chemical, biological, technological and social aspects that surround the job. Objective: to analyze the effectiveness of the administrative management in the risk management of the Padre Alberto Buffoni hospital in the two months of December 2020 and January 2021. Method: quantitative cross-sectional study with a descriptive scope. The sample was represented by 40 people belonging to the health human resource and 5 administrative. A semi-structured interview was applied to the latter; Surveys were applied to the rest. The vulnerability indicators of individuals, resources, as well as systems were measured. Results: the non-existence of a correct handling of dangerous situations by the Management of the Administrative Department was demonstrated; there is no effectiveness in the processes, as 30% of the staff believes that current management and levels of workplace accidents can be improved; it is necessary to provide said center with the necessary resources, demonstrated when 62.5% of the personnel established that medical equipment is needed to be able to respond efficiently to dangerous scenarios. Conclusion: various shortcomings were found in the handling of events of insecurity and threats, a problem that can be improved with proper handling of each procedure. The establishment of a plan that allows you to prevent any type of adversity that may expose health personnel, patients, buildings and the development of their daily activities to risks is merited.References
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